Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

All Newborns Have 20 Primary Teeth

Root Canal Treatment is a procedure used to treat infections in the innermost layer of a tooth, known as the pulp. It is used to save a tooth that has been severely damaged due to decay, trauma, or infection.

The procedure involves removing the infected pulp, cleaning the inside of the tooth, and filling and sealing the tooth. During the treatment, we might use local anesthesia to ensure the patient is comfortable.

After the procedure, the patient may experience some pain or sensitivity, but this can be managed with over-the-counter medications. Root Canal Treatment is an effective way to save a damaged tooth and help restore its function.

Root Canal Treatment is a great way to save a damaged or infected tooth. It is a common procedure that is done to help treat dental issues and preserve the natural tooth.

The procedure is typically done by a dentist or endodontist and involves removing the damaged tissue from the inside of the tooth and then filling and sealing it.

Root Canal Treatment can help alleviate pain and discomfort, restore function, and save the natural tooth structure. It is a great way to preserve your natural teeth, and we highly recommend it.

Why it’s important to save the natural tooth?

When a fracture or cavity has damaged your tooth, it may seem simpler to have it pulled instead of spending money on a root canal. But that may not be the best solution. Although there are instances where a tooth cannot be saved, many patients can reduce pain and save their natural tooth with root canal therapy.

If you choose not to save the tooth, you may have to deal with the following consequences:

  • Difficulty eating and speaking

  • Teeth that shift to fill the empty space

  • Bone loss that changes your facial structure and alters your appearance

Investing in root canal therapy will help you prevent these problems and other complications that may result from a missing tooth.

When an infection spreads, it attacks the center of the tooth, also called the dental pulp. The dental pulp is a sensitive organ that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues.

Any infection in this area can damage the whole tooth, and your dentist may even have to remove it. A dental pulp infection can cause extreme pain and discomfort, requiring instant therapy. A root canal treatment can remove the infection, ease the pain, and prevent additional tooth damage.

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal therapy is the process of removing the nerves, blood vessels, and other soft tissue from the center of a tooth. These tissues are called “pulp.”

After removing the pulp, a dentist will measure, clean, shape, and disinfect the space before filling it with a rubber-like material. The procedure typically takes thirty minutes to one hour.

We might recommend root canal therapy for the following reasons:

  • A large cavity that reaches the nerve

  • An abscessed tooth

  • Trauma that has caused chronic pain and inflammation

  • A fractured or broken tooth

If an X-ray reveals bone damage due to non-vital pulp, root canal therapy will be the recommended treatment.

What are the benefits of Root Canal Treatment?

One of the most significant advantages of a root canal is that it saves a natural tooth from being pulled. Before this treatment, any tooth infection or dental pulp inflammation meant tooth extraction.

Now, the same tooth can be treated and kept intact. Saving a natural tooth is necessary for your smile’s aesthetics as well as your facial structure.

Additionally, a root canal gives you the freedom to eat whatever you did before an infection. Once the treatment is over, and the filling and crown are placed, you can resume your regular diet. You can bite, chew, and brush your treated tooth like nothing ever happened.

Last but not least, the restored tooth will look just like a natural one if a crown is made of the same shade as the surrounding teeth.

If, in fact, you had a root canal done previously, you may want to have the filling or crown around it replaced with the most up-to-date version for an improved appearance.